Authenticity shouldn’t come at the expense of your laughter
Nobody should have to sacrifice being their AUTHENTIC SELF. And authenticity shouldn’t come at the expense of your laughter! Yet how many of us are in a job, relationship, or on a spiritual path where we feel like a phony – where in order to make it “work” we need to play a role like a Hollywood actor, minus the Botox and pedophilia? Where our pretty philosophies don’t match our thoughts, words, or actions?
We read all the books; we cite the pretty principles. But in the “real world,” we feel like we are just posturing. We incorporate things like personal fitness coaching, kriya yoga, and other forms of life coaching services – but what does it do?
Perhaps we’re even very good at what we do, but we have that nagging feeling of emptiness inside that asks, “Is this all there is for me?” And the response is, “God, I hope not!”
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
-e.e. cummings
What happened to our Authentic Self?
When did you lose your sense of humor?
Your excitement
Your dance
Your song
Your story
How would life be different for you if you…
…consciously and confidently reconnected to truth and humor
- …didn’t apologize for being yourself, no matter what form it takes
- …laughed more and worried less
“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
-Matthew 16:26
Be a Rebel
“Rebellion is individual action; it has nothing to do with the crowd. Rebellion has nothing to do with politics, power, violence. Rebellion has something to do with your consciousness, your silence, your being. It is a spiritual metamorphosis.” -Osho
A rebel lives in the world but never loses connection with their soul. They don’t use spiritual bypassing to remove themselves from impacting – and being impacted by – the world but instead immerse themselves deeply into it with heart, strength, vulnerability, and a sense of humor. They take their responsibilities seriously, but not themselves.
These individuals are not focused on fighting “against” darkness, nor necessarily even sharing more “love and light,” but more so about bringing more of their Authentic Self into the world (which may happen to fight darkness and share love and light!)
“In a society that profits from self-doubt, loving yourself is an act of rebellion. Be a rebel.”
– Unknown
Join the REBEL-ution!
Utilizing various tools of yoga, meditation, reiki, herbal medicine, life coaching services, personal training, and total fitness kickboxing, I can help you fight not against others but for the liberation of your Authentic Self, in plain language:
To be confidently REAL without fear – not because there is nothing to fear but because, for you there is no other option than being fully YOU.
“The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth they can accept about themselves without running away.”
-Leland Val Van De Wall

“Satya’s badass! Not once did I feel the health coach dread and in fact, laughter was a big part of our session. I have plans in order now and starting fresh I have a more stabilized direction to put myself in success’s path…he is 1000% worth [it] to make your dreams and goals come to life.”
-Sarah Orsatti

“Rebel Yogi Satya gives you a fierce sobering look at reality… He challenges our old assumptions about spirituality and gives us some fresh insights into the journey of the incarnational experience…”
-Alan Steinfeld

“Satya drives me crazy, but there is always some humor involved, so I appreciate whatever he is focused on that day. As time has gone on, I have realized how much I have learned from him. I almost always discover something new. He clearly loves what he does and cares about his students.”
-Bess Morrison